2805 Butterfield Road, Suite 120, Oak Brook, IL 60523
9631 West 153rd Street, Suite 33, Orland Park, IL 60462
3225 Shallowford Road, Suite 500, Marietta, GA 30062



Tips for Managing Panic Attacks Effectively

Panic attacks can be sudden and unexpected. They are episodes of extreme fear and anxiety, most often based on a perceived threat — even if that threat doesn’t actually exist. Unlike anxiety attacks, panic attacks tend to occur without warning rather than a feeling of fear building up over time. While panic attacks are at their core associated with anxiety,...[ read more ]

How to Stay Calm When Your Kids Act Out

You’re a parent, so you know those moments—the ones where your kids are screaming at each other, throwing toys, or flat-out ignoring you. In those heated moments, staying calm and handling the situation constructively is hard but essential. Here are some tips to help you stay centered in the face of tantrums and defiance. Take Deep Breaths Taking deep, calming breaths...[ read more ]

4 Ways to Cope with ASD Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is common for those on the autism spectrum. Many individuals with ASD struggle in social situations due to difficulties with communication, sensory sensitivities, and trouble understanding social cues. Social interactions require interpreting subtle cues like body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice. For someone with ASD, these complex signals can feel overwhelming, are difficult to interpret in...[ read more ]

What Causes Anxiety in Autism?

Experiencing anxiety is a natural part of life. In moderation, anxiety can help us stay motivated to reach our goals and move towards our values. However, when anxiety reaches a point where it is affecting daily life and impairing functioning it is no longer healthy or helpful. Anxiety is the body’s natural response to danger. In ancient times, people developed...[ read more ]

5 Ways to Navigate Anxiety During Pregnancy

Finding out you’re pregnant is a rollercoaster of emotions. First, you will inevitably be shocked at the news, which may be quickly replaced with excitement. This is a new chapter of your life, and even if you’ve experienced pregnancy before, there are a lot of unknowns that come with this experience. While pregnancy is often touted as a special and cherished...[ read more ]

How Do I Know If I Have Postpartum Anxiety?

Let’s face it: being a parent is hard. While meaningful, bringing in a new life into this world can result in both anxiety and distress around the unknown and the additional responsibility of caring for the well-being of a newborn. Whether this is your first, second, or third child the postpartum phase is often difficult for parents. Many new parents...[ read more ]

How Does OCD Affect Relationships?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can impact many areas of a person’s life. OCD presents with distressing symptoms that sometimes can feel hard to manage. One area that can be impacted by OCD but is often not focused on is relationships. When an individual is struggling with OCD it is often pervasive throughout their daily lives, especially in their relationships. OCD...[ read more ]

Knowing the Difference Between Healthy and Unhealthy Guilt

We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t feel regret. Let’s face it: we all have done or said things in the past we wish we hadn’t. We all wish we had done something differently or gone a different route. It’s hard not to look back at your life and wonder, “What if?” Feeling intense emotions, such as guilt, shame, or...[ read more ]

Postpartum OCD & How to Cope with It

We often envision the period after giving birth as a chapter marked by excitement around bringing a new child into the family. While it is an exciting time, the difficulties of postpartum and becoming a new parent are not often talked about.  You bring a new baby home and everything in your life suddenly changes. You are now responsible for...[ read more ]

What is Postpartum Anxiety & How to Cope with It?

No one ever said parenting would be easy. Worth it? Yes, even if it doesn’t seem like it on the bad days. You brought your newborn baby home and knew you would experience a significant life transition. Having a child changes all aspects of your life from scheduling, relationships, to values. While some of these changes are undoubtedly positive, a...[ read more ]

2805 Butterfield Road suite 120
Oak Brook, IL 60523

(630) 522-3124

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