2805 Butterfield Road, Suite 120, Oak Brook, IL 60523
9631 West 153rd Street, Suite 33, Orland Park, IL 60462
3225 Shallowford Road, Suite 500, Marietta, GA 30062

Anxiety Therapy

Anxiety Therapy

The 6 Ss for Taking Care of Your Mental Health during COVID-19 Quarantine

woman with mask

In the wake of the COVID pandemic, for the first time in the history of our nation, all states have simultaneously declared a state of emergency. People are shut in their homes and worried about their health as well as the health of everyone around them. The fear and uncertainty all around us has never been so thick. COVID and...[ read more ]

Anxiety and COVID-19

covid 19 spelled out

Have you found yourself excessively worrying about COVID-19? Are you constantly researching or watching the news? Are you finding it difficult to adapt to the lifestyle changes brought on by the pandemic? If so, you are not alone. Many individuals are finding that the uncertainty brought on by COVID-19, as well as the disruptions to daily routine, have resulted in...[ read more ]

Self-Compassion During COVID-19 Quarantine

zoom meeting with mask on

Quarantine birthday parades, family dance parties, workout challenges, balcony sing-a-longs, puzzles, and BANANA BREAD… it seems as though this pandemic has been nothing but fun for the people I see as I scroll through my social media feeds and tune in to the news. Almost without hesitation, the message that we were being told about quarantine is that we should...[ read more ]

Practicing Mindfulness During COVID-19

woman picking out a tomato

It’s been a weird time for us all: isolating in our homes, spending more time than usual with our loved ones and trying our best to adapt to this new ‘norm.’ Let’s be honest, it’s not always easy. So how do we cope during this time? How do we keep our thoughts from wandering into the future? The answer is...[ read more ]

Got COVID-19 Anxiety? Cognitive Therapy Techniques Can Help

woman putting on a medical mask

During this unprecedented period of uncertainty and mounting stress, it is easy to feel afraid and to panic. Many of the strategies that we may typically use to deal with distress may not be available (to the same degree) or applicable. Due to social distancing protocols, we are unable to derive the same amount of support and connectivity from our...[ read more ]

Introversion or Social Anxiety?

woman with face in between bars of a fence

Wallflower, loner, aloof, unfriendly, socially awkward. These are words that have all been used to describe people who are introverted. Most likely, if you are introverted, you have been described in these terms (or other similar words) at some point. Often, these words are considered to be stereotypical ways of describing individuals who lean more towards the introverted side of...[ read more ]

Sleep Glorious Sleep: Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Insomnia

woman sleeping

By Dina Scolan Sleep is coveted, rejoiced, relished and enjoyed by us all.  After all we spend a third of our life in bed, and while there, we prefer to be asleep, right? The unfortunate reality is that for some, sleep is elusive. Chased and sought after but poorly attained. Many people struggle to fall asleep and to stay asleep....[ read more ]

Tips for A Happier Thanksgiving

family at dinner table

Last Thanksgiving, my whole family gathered around a perfectly roasted turkey and a half dozen delicious, warm sides. All of the children and pets were calm and everyone as on their best behavior. The weather was chilly, but not cold. The day was cozy, peaceful, and perfect. I’m joking, of course. I have never had a Thanksgiving that perfect, and...[ read more ]

Mindful Gratitude

thank you note

By Colleen Pipia, MA, LCPC, CADC Gratitude. The quality of being thankful. Showing appreciation. We are taught to never settle, always be working towards something greater and that we should always be striving for more.  Are there benefits to having goals and always striving for more? Yes, but we can also be grateful for what is and find contentment with...[ read more ]

Intrusive Thoughts

woman in a busy restaurant

By Ashley Butterfield, Psy.D Intrusive thoughts are unwanted thoughts, images, impulses, or urges that can occur spontaneously or that can be cued by external/internal stimuli. Typically, these thoughts are distressing (hence “intrusive”) and tend to reoccur. They are predominantly associated with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, but they are often seen amongst the symptoms of other anxiety disorders. Common themes of intrusive...[ read more ]